Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday Evening Pita Pockets

After a day of lab work and shopping in the stifling heat on Sunday, Melissa put together a meal inspired by the pita bread we were left with from the polo picnic on Saturday.

First she grilled some zucchini and flank steak marinated in soy sauce, ground black pepper and the brine from a jar of marinated green peppercorns. Then she added fresh tomato and onion salsa and her walnut chili salsa (recipe to be listed in an upcoming antipasti post).

Sliced steak, zukes and salsa were stuffed into a pita pocket and garnished with a tastebud-jolting sauce of cilantro, lemon, olive oil and Greek yogurt. Wow. The walnut chili salsa is what made the dish. The combination of textures and flavors is amazing -- meaty, slightly crunchy, zesty and spicy. A glass of Nobilo 2007 Sauvignon Blanc (Marlborough, NZ) rounded things out nicely.

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