Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Beef Tenderloin on Potato and Celery Root Puree with Walnut-Arugula Pesto

We had a fantastic four-day weekend in Montreal, Quebec last weekend. What a beautiful city -- we had some great food, great wine, and perfect hosts with Etienne and Angelique showing off their hometown. Add in the sidewalk art festival and the Montreal Jazz Festival in town, and we were kept busy the entire time. Watch Evan's blog for his synopsis and some gorgeous photos...

We got back into Boston Monday evening and after four days of eating out (or on the road), Melissa was itching to get back into the kitchen. She crafted a dish driven by a couple of unusual ingredients: a perfect cut of beef tenderloin was served rare with a potato and celery root puree and an unconventional pesto. We were fresh out of pine nuts, so Melissa substituted walnuts, and she also subbed about a third of the basil with arugula/rocket to bring in the nutty, peppery flavor. Simple salt and pepper and voila. It's nice to come home to a fabulous meal...
Recipe coming soon.

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